Membership fees

IELA represents any school, organisation, association, agency or individual involved or interested in EDI in the UK or internationally.

Our membership model includes one delegate place at the annual IELA conference which takes place in March. In addition, BSA Group and IELA members benefit from a 50% discount for all CPD events.

Type of membership

IELA offers three membership types and subscriptions:

  • Professionals: Individual membership
  • Charities: Any charitable organisation directly involved in or would like to become involved in EDI or with associated responsibilities
  • Organisations: Any Any non-charitable organisation. This could include any organisation directly involved with EDI or with associated responsibilities such as schools, educational institutions, small businesses and commercial organisations.
  • non-charitable organisation directly involved in health and wellbeing or with associated responsibilities. This could include education institutions or commercial organisations.

Professional (individual) membership


Charity membership- Any charity involved in EDI or with associated responsibilities


Corporate membership-Any non-charitable organisation. This could include any organisation directly involved with EDI or with associated responsibilities such as educational institutions, small businesses and commercial organisations.

-£495 1-50 employees (Including 1 delegate place at the IELA conference)
-£560 50+ employees (Including 1 delegate place at the IELA conference)

IELA is part of BSA Group and therefore part of the BSA Group Gold Membership scheme. Gold membership includes automatic enrolment with SACPA, HIEDA, BAISIS, BSA and IELA. Anyone interested in becoming a Gold Member should email Danielle Cuthbert, Head of Corporate Services, via


BSA Group Gold Membership

The BSA Group Gold Membership scheme is for organisations which want joint membership of (BSA), IELA (Inclusion, Equity, Leadership Association) (SACPA) (Safeguarding and Child Protection Association), (BAISIS) (British Association of Independent Schools with International Students) and (HIEDA) (Health in Education Association). Organisations pay an additional fee of £450 + VAT for Gold Membership and will automatically be enrolled in all five of our businesses. Those joining as Gold Members will also be sent a logo they can use on their websites. Anyone interested in becoming a Gold Member should email Danielle Cuthbert, Finance and Membership Manager, Danielle can also discuss how individual organisations which would like to upgrade their existing SACPA, BAISIS or HIEDA or IELA membership into full Gold Membership.



IELA represents all educational settings, including independent and state schools, colleges and universities, charities, organisations, corporate companies and businesses in the UK and world-wide.

Find out more about Membership here.